Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dark Side of a House in Horary

In many Astrological houses 00 degrees starts in the house rather than on the cusp.

And from 00 degrees to the next house cusp, going counter-clockwise, is called the Dark Side of that house.

A planet landing in the Dark Side of a house can be considered as -
in the dark

depending on the Horary question.

On the above chart, Jupiter is in the Dark Side of the 11th house.
Here the Dark Side is from 00 degrees to 17 degrees Capricorn or the 12th house cusp.


Flowing Dao said...

Hi, this is interesting, thank you for sharing.
I wonder if in case of an intercepted sign, where we have two different 00 degrees into the same house, which one should i choose.
For example a house cusp at 27 Taurus ending at 2 Cancer. Should i consider it almost all in the dark side, except for the first 3 degrees or not? I would choose this option but i am not sure.
Thank you.

Gae Xavier said...

Great to find this! Thank you!